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I’m making a significant career shift in 2025: moving back towards Bioengineering, Bioinspiration, and Biomimetics. I’ve been appointed as Head of The Institute for Bioengineering at The University of Edinburgh effective Jan ’25. 

This essay covers my motivation for this shift and outlines some of the research directions that I am keen to pursue via this leadership role over the next five years. As with all my essays this is a live document that will evolve and change as my thinking matures. It will start as bullet points and evolve into prose.


  • Brief introduction and my background in bioengineering.
  • In 2023 I gave a talk to the Institute for Engineers in Scotland which all about my journey and my interest in Bioengineering, Bioinspiration, and Biomimetics. This talk has been transcribed and recorded in the Transactions of the Journal of the Institute.
    • Academic journey:
      • Degrees from UofE in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, and Analytical Chemistry.
      • Two-year fellowship at Harvard Chemistry and the Wyss Institute for Bioinspired Engineering.
  • Current roles and achievements:
    • Chair of Bioinspired Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.
    • Founding member of the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and co-lead of the National Robotarium.
    • Subject lead for Bioelectronics and creator of the new MSc in Biomedical Engineering.
    • Deputy Head of the Institute for Integrated Micro and Nano Systems (IMNS) for five years.
  • My aim in leading the Institute is to enable a new era of innovation and impact.


Vision for the Institute

  • The Transformative Potential of Bioengineering:
    • My aim is to establish the Institute as the leader in translating scientific discoveries into practical applications, focusing on health technology and sustainable solutions.

IBioE VennDiag.

Strategic Focus Areas

1. Bioinspired Research and Biomimicry:

  • Integrate bioinspired solutions across all four engineering disciplines: Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering.
  • Examples:
    • EEE: The institute was founded on the IMPACT project: £5.2M for implantable biomedical sensors.
    • MechE: Development of advanced robotics inspired by the mechanics of animal movement, and biomechanics research.
    • ChemE: SynBio meets process engineering, 3D printed chromatographic beds and scale-up plant.
    • Civil: Design of buildings based on termite mounds to naturally regulate temperature.

Bioinspiration and Biomimicry are subtly different as discussed by Dr Olga Speck in this article.

Bioengineering is a term that I see as distinct to Engineering Biology.

The origin of biomimicry is really just the quest of Science – observation and description of the natural world.

One of the key figures in biomimicry is Dr Julian Vincent.

Life’s Principles was a set of nine principles described by Janine Benyus’s book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature (1997).

These original 9 Biomimicry Life’s Principles were:

  1. Nature runs on sunlight,
  2. Nature uses only the energy it needs,
  3. Nature fits form to function,
  4. Nature recycles everything,
  5. Nature rewards cooperation,
  6. Nature banks on diversity,
  7. Nature demands local expertise,
  8. Nature curbs excesses from within,
  9. Nature taps the power of limits.


2. Bioengineering in Space:

  • A new opportunity to develop technologies for use in space that can translate into sustainable solutions on Earth, particularly for resource-limited settings.
  • Examples:
    • Closed-loop life support systems in space that inspire sustainable water and air purification technologies on Earth.
    • Energy-efficient systems designed for spacecraft that can be adapted to improve energy use in terrestrial environments.
    • Haptic assistance systems that can lead to solutions for rehabilatative robotics.


3. Entrepreneurship and Systems Thinking:

  • Foster a culture of entrepreneurship within the Institute to translate research into viable products and services.
  • Implement systems thinking as a core approach to understand and solve complex problems in an integrated manner.
  • Examples:
    • Encourage startup incubation by providing resources and mentorship to aspiring entrepreneur researchers.
    • Lab Automation – the genome foundry is an engineering challenge not a biology challenge: data science, automation, systems integration.
    • Collaborate with business schools to integrate business acumen with engineering innovation.


Leadership Approach

  • Empowering leadership style:
    • Set clear directions and provide coaching; avoid micromanagement to foster innovation and accountability.
    • Support interdisciplinary collaboration and open communication to enhance creativity and productivity.
    • Introduction of research themes to prevent silos and dominance. We need shared challenges.



  • I am committed to driving the Institute towards significant contributions in bioengineering, sustainability, and global health.
  • I am enthusiastic for leading a team that will not only push the boundaries of science but also create real-world impacts through innovative engineering solutions.
  • I will exploit the huge opportunity in new estate for Bioengineering research.
  • I have the readiness and eagerness to contribute to and grow with the Institute, shaping the future of engineering.